
Black & Brew, Delivered

by | Jan 20, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It’s 10:47a.m. and you begin feel the consequences of having skipped breakfast rumbling in your midsection. Ugh. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Only now you can’t focus on anything else but lunch. Clenching your jaw and squinting your eyes at the pile of work before you, you will yourself to lock in and ignore the growling monster within. You are laser-focused. Unflappable. A fine-tuned machine. It works… for exactly 30 seconds. Visions of Avocado Toast and Street Corn Cobb salad make you weak once again. Panic starts to set in. You glance at the clock and realize that leaving the office to grab lunch is out of the question. There simply isn’t enough time. You contemplate stealing your co-workers sandwich from the office fridge. Maybe just half. No, that’s no good. You open up your desk drawer in search of remnants of snacks past. A brown banana. A pack of trail mix with mostly raisins left. Two peppermints. You start to feel self-control slipping through your fingers, but just in time, reason breaks through the cloud of irrationality to rescue the day. You remember that Black & Brew now offers delivery. In 60 seconds your order is placed, and shortly after, the remedy to your malady arrives. A sympony of flavors hits the spot in all the right ways. Ahhhhh… sweet satisfaction. Recharged and refreshed, a crisis is averted and you’re ready to slay this day!


Don’t steal your co-worker’s lunch!

It wouldn’t look good on your evaluation. Download the Black & Brew app instead. Our easy-to-use app for Android or Apple iOS makes ordering super simple and it’s the best way to order from Black & Brew. Unafiliated third-party services like GrubHub and PostMates often have outdated menus and incorrect pricing. Avoid that hassle and order directly from the source! You’ll have the option to pick up or have it delivered by our delivery partner. Crisis averted!


Black & Brew

Coffee House & Bistro

Lakeland, Florida's Premier Coffee House & Casual Eatery.


205 E. Main Street
Lakeland, FL 33801




100 Lake Morton Dr
Lakeland, FL 33801



4209 S. Florida Avenue
Lakeland, FL 33813
